Source of inspiration
History tells of great feats, incredible achievements like that of our illustrious ancestor, mathematician and geographer Domingo Fontán.
A never-ending source of inspiration to whom we pay homage, together with his inseparable colleague. His vocation is now ours, his hard work a mirror in which to see ourselves. This is just what led us to realise that out of emotional cartography we could make an unashamedly intense, aromatic and personal wine.

Subzone: Val do Salnés
Such a memorable story called for a great homage. Inspired by the character, the efforts and the work of Domingo Fontán, we created Maccerato, a wine containing the essence of our land.
Its balance and complexity speak for themselves.
So do the time and care that go into the whole process of making it.
You carry your origin inside
the author's homeland
Domingo Fontán
There are stories that speak of the human condition, of effort and of love for the earth.
In 1834, after 20 years of work, our illustrious predecessor Domingo Fontán and his little horse finished making the first geographical map of his land. We would like his story to inspire you as much as it does us.
The geometrical map of Galicia
It forms part of our essence
Explore, investigate and decide which wine you think best matches your emotional personality.
If hard work and persistence are your identifying traits, you might find a promotional code, a tip from one of our cartographers – or who
knows what?